Merge completed maps

I flew multiple missions mapping a very large area of land. I have several small sections (few hundred acres each). I would like to know if I can merge them all into one large area map.
Thanks for the help

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Think that the number of images that can be merged depend on the DD license. I’ve created half section maps in WebODM; sometimes parameters need to be adjusted.

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Hi there, i’m about to do the same. I have a large scan of an industrial complex which took two days to complete. I didn’t realise that DroneDeploy wouldn’t just combine them together because it was the same mission continued. It wasn’t possible to capture in one day unfortunately. In your video for merging the maps, does that apply to the 3D render aspect as well? I want to combine the two maps because it will create one clearer 3D render as apposed to two mostly complete maps. Also so then I can export it as an OBJ and import into GeoCV servers for better viewing experience. Is it the same process as outlined in your youtube video so that it will combine the two maps and process it as one complete map in 3D? Definitely need this option for large sites.

Hey Richard, the video is primarily for merging large orthomosaic 2D maps. You should be able to upload all of your imagery at once to process a single map but I can imagine that shooting multiple days may cause a complication with the auto-uploader. All you should have to do is upload all the images at once and if it breaks it into multiple flights, click on more on the right and merge them. I process in Metashape most of the time with each flight as separate chunks and then merge them.

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Hi Michael, thank you for your reply. Yeah its broken the maps into multiple Maps but i can’t find anywhere to Merge. Is it in the Upload section? Your guidance is appreciated. Also to clarify i am on the Lite Plan. Have had it for years. So im not sure if that affects anything as DD is abit vague about what features are available etc.

Ah i found what you meant sorry. Fresh upload, Options on the right, Merge with Map X. I’ll give it a go and see how it goes :slight_smile:


Fresh upload, Options on the right, Merge with Map X.

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