I was trying to fly a mission with my DJI Mavic 3E and DJI RC Pro controller, I had my LANNC clearance and flight plan all set up. When the drone got to a certain point it just stopped. No reason it just paused. I tried turning off my collision avoidance, not luck, got new clearance no luck. I reloaded the mission, no luck. I am on the latest firmware. I was not flying into the sun and was easily 100 feel over any obstacles. The authorized AGL was 400 feet. Any help would be great.
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Was the entire area of flight inside the same grid? I have bounced into adjacent zones with higher restrictions that halted the drone. I learned if I take off from the strictest zone I won’t have that problem. Literally this zone encroached 50ft onto the jobsite and missed a corner which caused a re-fly but I learned to take off from the highest restriction and it won’t happen. Luckily it was just on the other side of the project.