Waypoint Problems

Hey Everyone-- hope you can help me. I am using an Inspire 1 Pro X5 and a Mavic to map using Drone Deploy. Everything is going great so far-- fantastic maps and models. Howver, I have one problem I can not figure out.
I usually pre set up my mapping mission the day before or morning of a planned mapping. When you start to plan, DD places a grid box with corner points on the map that you then move over the area you plan to map. I’m around a hazardous environment most of the time, so I then adjust the Square grid— as I adjust the shape of the square box to a different shape DD adds waypoints for you to make the shape.

When I go to launch the mission, DD does its checks and it fails Everytime on the waypoints and won’t take off. I then have to start over in the field creating a new flight plan with Just the box shape-- which allows my hazards back into play.
Why wont it except my waypoints ???


Have you ever tried to run the simulator on your setup at home? Maybe the geometry is to drastic for the sticking requirements.