It keeps being over- or under-exposed under variable conditions. How to prevent it?

If you are already running 80 then I don’t think there would be much help. I typically run 75/75 at 230-240. I post-process my all my images in ACDsee with a batch filter that normalizes, basically lightening shadows and fixing blowout. If you decide to get into something like that and I can share my filter.

It might take a DD account to see this. Map was completely dark out and now represents what it actually looks like.;jwt_token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ0eXBlIjoiUmVhZE9ubHlQbGFuIiwiaWQiOiI1YTdiMzVjYWY1N2VhYzgwOTVmYWNkODUiLCJleHAiOjI1MzQwMjMwMDc5OX0.EABAwwYgH8SfSo9RMTiYruiYaU82Zowoq-gGr3NE2g-lKD-lJIA8hl6cHrKIWr5VXgy16jsynAmp41vVyGE1Hw

Here’s another thread.