Initial Support for DJI Phantom 4

I’ve also submitted a request but received no reply.

Your requests should be answered soon. We’re working through the list.

@dose @Nick_Nelson @mgran : We sent out the invitations for Android beta today. Look for an email from Crashlytics which looks like this:

Got mine last night, thank you! Does it support the P4? It doesn’t connect to mine, not sure if there is anything special to do? I am definitely running the Beta, checked it again this morning.

Thanks again for sending this out.

Are you using iOS? It is available on Android very soon.

I was given access to the Android Beta, I thought that had P4 support?

Yes. That should be working. I’ll do some tests today on the latest release.

If it helps, my Beta version is showing v0.1.0, my “non-beta version” is showing v0.5.5. I tried several times on the weekend to get it to connect, no luck.


I have a Phantom 4 with an Android tablet.
The app keeps closing when the Phantom is attached.
Is there a newer version for Android?
Where can I get it?

@Cambria_Hobby please fill out this form to receive access to the newer android app


Form filled out.

I filled the beta form out 3 times.

@Cambria_Hobby thank you- we try to get to everyone quickly, but it could take up to a week to get access to the beta.

@Chasemgray, were you able to get it working with the P4?

Thanks Neema
Have some maps built and want to try the sync option.

We’re fixing some small issues at the moment to release an update.

I’ve had the P4 for a few weeks now. When I use Dronedeploy with it, the flight is fine but as soon as the camera turns down, it gets a yellow tint to it. The camera stays that way with the yellow tint until I reset the camera settings in the DJI app. It even keeps the settings when I reboot the system. I have another mapping app and it works fine with the P4. and does not turn the pictures yellow. Am I doing something wrong? Everything is the most current firmware.

Hi @ken - sorry about that. Our auto white balance is still off on the P4. This should be fixed on the next update of the app. Please check back here for more information- we’ll post in the forum when we’ve released the newer version of the app.

Appreciate your patience!


Thanks Neema. Any tentative or loose date for that update?

Mostly waiting on app store now.