Currently, we can adjust the flight direction and gimbal angle, but we are unable to change the drone’s orientation or flight behavior beyond that.
However, this is a great idea and I would say that our other users could also benefit from this especially during solar inspections. That way you can “crabwalk” the aisle.
Thanks Steve
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Running a defined heading would be a good addition but couldn’t you just fly your route perpendicular to the rows? That way you capture the backside and equipment as well. Or are you trying to do a crabwalk in both directions? Depending on what drone you have you can probably do it in the native software. The M3E can do it in Pilot 2.
Hey MichaelL,
Yes the asset owner wanted to capture front only by crabwalking the solar field. Their engineers called for that. Yes flight hub 2 is how the job will be completed. Just think it would be a nice feature to include in drone deploy. Maybe for even roof inspections where you have to fly a certain height off edge of building capture as you truck down the building instead of doing manual timed captures. 
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For a simple panel inspection I can see the benefit of the automation but I prefer to manually fly trucking facades. Just set tripod mode to the speed you want with max input and set the shutter interval to 1 or 2s depending on the required amount of overlap. It’s great to automate but I have done enough of these to know that there are always features that could be greatly improved by getting a better view of the object.