I just did a photo mission (16 photos). The drone faces and then flies to the next photo position, stops and pivots to face the POI, adjusts the gimbal, snaps a photo, then faces and flies to the next photo position, stops and pivots to face the POI, adjusts the gimbal, snaps a photo,etc. etc.
Please change it so that the drone keeps looking at the POI while it flies to the next position; that would make photo missions much faster.
Don’t worry about obstical avoidance; if the PIC hasn’t done the homework to keep the flight path away from obsticals while flying an automated mission, that’s their fault, not DD’s fault.
I’ll take this on iOS as well…
He who relies on the screen has already lost the drone.
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HA! I submitted this exact same request a couple years ago! I’m sure DD will claim that once a mission is submitted through the app they no longer have control over the drone (they’ve told me this before, recently in fact) and that is just they way DJI handles waypoint missions. Either way, it’s super annoying! And, while we’re at it, when the mapping mission transitions from lawn mower pattern to perimeter why can’t it start at the closest point instead of ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE MAP? Burns (wastes) a LOT of battery on larger sites.
I think this is part of the trouble with manual waypoints and multiple POI’s. From what I have experienced none of the automated mapping solutions have that much control of the aircraft but the joystick waypoint solutions do? Doesn’t make allot of sense to me but I can understand part of the limitations.