View-Only Links

Hi. Is there any development in the works regarding view-only links and their ability to offer just a ‘little’ bit more.

A few requests if possible…

  1. When you send out a view-only link to a map all the assets within that map (panos, stills, videos) do not show up. However you can still send view-only links to these individual assets by going into each one separately and clicking on the share button from within them. This does get very cumbersome as you end up having to send loads of links to a 3rd party just to view a map and its assets. Could there be a way to share a view-only map that includes the assets within? I do understand that some people may want to send view-only maps without assets. Maybe there could be a link for with and without assets.

  2. Could we somehow add in a ‘map comparison’ view-only link. It is such a useful feature it would be so helpful to have in the individual/advanced features as it is our only way of showing comparisons to 3rd parties. It could be restricted to only comparing 2 allocated maps by the user.

  3. My final request on view-only. Any chance of opening up the ability to use the tools: point, distance & area.

Just finished my trial and have moved onto the individual subscription so looking forward to using DD more.

Thanks. Chris.

That’s not view-only, lol. Kidding but that functionality adds server resources which is what we are paying for. If we had all that they would sell many less seats. If anything they’re going the opposite direction with the modular scheme pricing. You want x you pay y.

I get it. I suppose these topics will always push the ‘you pay for what you get’ ethos.

Having said that with Point 1 is really about making the ‘view-only’ experience a little less cumbersome. And again Point 2 is still just a view-only request - just with the ability to compare. But yes to what extent these add server resources goes beyond my knowledge.

Agree Point 3 pushes the ‘view-only’ experience. Maybe opening up just the toolbar measurement function could be a bonus for the ‘advanced’ subscription. I know this would have certainly swayed me in subscribing to an ‘advanced’ rather than the ‘individual’. At the moment I have to pay an extra $921 per month to gain this functionality . As a small business it would be amazing to offer this measurement feature to my clients.


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