I have yet to use Dronedeploy but i have some questions on a few things, if anyone can answer them please.
How big should i do the waypoint box around the building i would like to map.
What is a good over lap percentage
The drone takes off on its own when you start a mapping mission, but can you land it yourself.
Do you have to manual control the pitch of the camera yourself, if not how doses it know what pitch the camera has to be at.
Do the photos have to be shoot in JPEG or Raw.
I watched a Youtube video and the guy done a point of interest mission from the DJI GO app so he could get more detail on the building, so can you upload video files as well as picture files to get a better 3D image.
Hi @dave_aird - thanks for reaching out. Going through your questions:
How big should i do the waypoint box around the building i would like to map.
Plan to cover your area of interest plus a little extra for leeway. The areas at the edges have less data, so planning a slightly larger area gives room for error at the edge of your map.
What is a good over lap percentage
Depending on your area of interest, the settings may need to be adjusted. Many customers plan a short flight with the auto settings and change them based on results. If you are flying an agricultural area or one that is forested, increase the automatic settings (70-80% overlap and frontlap).
The drone takes off on its own when you start a mapping mission, but can you land it yourself.
If at any point you are feeling uncomfortable, take manual control over the drone:
Switch to P mode for Inspire and Phantom 3 series
Switch to S mode for Phantom 4
Safety flying tips
Do you have to manual control the pitch of the camera yourself, if not how doses it know what pitch the camera has to be at.
The camera is automatically controlled by the app.
5) Do the photos have to be shoot in JPEG or Raw.
I watched a Youtube video and the guy done a point of interest mission from the DJI GO app so he could get more detail on the building, so can you upload video files as well as picture files to get a better 3D image.