I’m pretty sure someone has requested or at least mentioned this before, but it would be nice to be able to maintain a true square or rectangle when flight planning. As with most programs pulling from the corners maintains aspect ratio. Having a nice symmetrical shape just makes it easier to get the most efficient flight plan, but more importantly just looks good. Unless you have the needed software it is a pain in the rear to make them look nice afterwards.
Tip - You can use GIMP (free) to edit GeoTIFFs exported from DroneDeploy. Just do not change the dimensions and the world file will still drop it in correctly.
Well isn’t this funny from 8 months ago…
It would be nice to create a better shot of most areas. The same goes for why can’t we choose which direction of the map is up when exporting. I need this driveway to be rotated about 45 degrees and then exported square/rectangular. Any thoughts?
We always make our exhibits in CAD which allows us to align all the data with the page but it would be nice to be able to export the view. We’ll have to make sure we have the ability to include a north arrow!
The plan north function would definitely be useful. There’s so many add ons that require the enterprise over a business plan.
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Yeah, we can’t do any of this in Enterprise either. That’s why we do it in CAD but for us it’s not that big of a deal because CAD is part of our workflow anyways.