I am new to drone deploy and starting to make some maps and build things. I see the maps come back to me. I can get PDFs, JPG, GeoTiff etc is this what you deliver to say a construction client? (that being said can you get something that rebrands the pdf reports? Looks like they had an app but it no longer seems live?)
So I guess I am asking, like what is mostly delivered?
In construction: Annotated PDFs with Volumetric data? Measurments? Elevation maps? Maybe the 3d model?
In agriculture: Just the NDVI Map?
It depends on the capability of the contractor. Do they deal in 3D and have the software to handle the formats? I would ask them what their pie-in-the-sky is and figure out how to make that happen. Traditionally though I would say the following would get you a long way.
-8in/px Orthomosaic
-2in/px Orthomosaic
-Materials volumetrics report
-Static point progress photos
Good luck!
Thanks for the pointers. As I dig into this it went from ‘oh awesome I can just dive right in and start doing stuff’ to ‘Well what am I reallyyy doing’. Also I know there is skill involved in mapping (for accurate materials volumetrics report). I am not sure how one builds up those skills… and double checks/cross references what they are not producing is garbage.
The asking what their pie-in-the-sky is, that is an interesting notion. Do they know? How would one phrase it? Pie in the sky what? Maps? Information from maps? Magic 3d printers to 3d print their construction project instantly and for low low cost and no labor! 
I think staying on this forum will help you understand the majority of it. There are allot of guys out there in different fields that have been doing this for a while. I personally have deen doing this type of work without a drone for 15 years so the drone is a supplement to my workflow. I learn allot from guys in agriculture, mining all the way to forestry.
As for the pie-in-the-sky, I think that opens up the opportunity to understand their expectations. If they have never seen a drone then pictures and a video will go a long way. You put a high resolution map on top of that and you’re good. Your choice whether or not your think they are ready for the cloud interface. I would probably turn the GEOTiff into an optimized PDF though.
Thanks again. It seems to me drone deploy is an excellent tool for those in industry who want to augment their workflow with the power of drones and drone deploy. Though maybe slightly less of a value to drone pilots selling this service ? Still much research to be done. Learning more everyday though and loving the technology.