This is turning into a great thread! Thanks to everyone that is participating!
yup, and i still searching the complete tutorial for this thing
These may help.
great Mic…Thank You very much…
For sure! I am trying to find as much info as I can so I can hit the ground running when ours gets here.
So we’ve decided to hold off on the RTK until a few bugs have been worked out and questions have been answered. I’ve had several discussions across multiple forums over the last couple days and people are not having the experiences that they expected. Many of them feel oversold. Most of this comes from a lack of surveying and GPS knowledge. Also, I guess nowadays people just expect to pick up technology and be able to use it without reading instructions… If information I just came across means what I think it means I don’t know that I will be moving away from my Emlid PPK drone.
Read up or be surprised.