My best 3D model / Mavic 2 pro;jwt_token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJleHAiOjI1MzQwMjMwMDc5OSwiaWQiOiI1ZTE0ZWJlYTJlYzBmYmZmODNjOWZjNWUiLCJzY29wZSI6WyIxZjAzNzRjNjc1X0M2QjJEMzdCRTBJTlNQSVJFIl0sInR5cGUiOiJSZWFkT25seVBsYW4iLCJvdmVybGF5X2ZvbGRlcl9pZCI6IjVlMTRkNTk2MTZiMjk1MzM5ZDI3YjRjMyJ9.YD9ON-g3m0WvgyywPUNogNor7D8CrrMY_ie5u8Isx0unC_kxpkTTMn5YH9FiuI2IZPnfOdtxjQiusY1RtdZoWQ

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@jmason702 Great 3D ! with which App did you fly it and which flight modes ?

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flew drone deploy structure mode 75 front and 70 side overlap 120’ I think , and did several DJI GO 4 point of interest orbits at different levels.


I does seem my best 3D models come from the Aultel EVO 1, Much more experimenting to do, but from what I have seen the EVO does better than the Mavic 2 pro and Phantom 4 Pro… Bold statement I guess, but I have the EVO 2 PRO on order. I have had trouble on bigger commercial jobs, with Phantom and Mavic,
According to map report the DJI looks better on paper but not in real life