Import KML or SHP app issue


I have been using the import KML or SHP app to generate a boundary in Drone Deploy for a while with no issues. In the last week it has stopped working. It will load the KML but then nothing will show on the screen.

Any ideas why this would be happening? I am using 12d to export the KML. I have uninstalled the app and reinstalled it. Made no difference.

I also use this app and have not noticed any changes recently. What are the contents of the KML? Do the files open completely in Google Earth?

Hi Michael, Yes the KML does open completely in Google Earth. Unfortunately I cant export a KML out of google earth anymore, so I cant check if the issue is a change in the way 12d is exporting the KML

Yeah, it does not work on mobile app. We tested on two different models, LG V30 and Honor 10. The same kml imports normaly in browser app and it saves it after you open the same project on mobile.