360 Aerial Videos and ability to change altitude from waypoint to waypoint in video map

Hi Team,

Quick product feature request please. When we start a “Video Map” we only get the option for a polygon shape. one can try and stretch this out to be close to a circle but its not a true / smooth circle. it would be amazing if we could simply select a circle as the flight path rather than having to try manipulate a ploygon.

Also with the Polygon shape Video map, it would be very handy if we could set different altitudes for the various waypoints. so that we can get the drone to change altitude whilst flying around the subject. this is good for avoiding ground objects as well as getting various angles from various altitudes in the single video.

Thankyou in advance for your consideration to add these features to Drone Deploy.

Love your work team!

Alex T


This has been a request as long as I have been around DroneDeploy. The inability to do a simple orbit or custom waypoints with the ability to control altitude, heading and the gimbal is disappointing considering one of the main reasons I prefer DroneDeploy is the gamut of flight plans you can do and daisy-chain.