Why did Drone Deploy increase monthly expense to $500/mon

I’ll definitely check it out. Do you have any samples of a structural model from it?

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I’m not hammering on you specifically. But how can DB be faulted when guys keep doing their work for pennies? The ONLY reason DB pays so little is because SOMEONE is willing to do it for that price.


Luckily there are a few options popping up for stitching so that should help. I don’t need to pay $400 or a month to stitch maps of 1000 or less photos that I can get an ortho tiff, some elevations, and some volumetrics.

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I am a long trem customer that has been using Drone Deploy individual and pays annually. My renewal come up in December 2022. Will I be able to renew at my old rate of $1,200 annually?

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I think a “per job” pricing model would be a great product to offer, but let me tell you why it isn’t currently feasible for small time pilots such as myself.


Yes - all prices are grandfathered if you keep your subscription active.

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How does anyone think this is affordable? What a rip-off. Thanks for screwing new customers.


Have you heard of these guys? - hammermissions.com
Many types of data capture and processing, and much more affordable

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