Measuring stockpiles

i have had an outside company measure my stockpiles i my quarry and they have used 3D Lidor method for measuring. I use the three methods available in Drone Deploy depending on the stockpile. I am finding a significant difference in the measurement in stockpiles up against a banking i am using lowest point for these stockpiles. The difference can be anything from 20-130%.
Can anyone tell me why this is?

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Can you post an example image of the stockpile? You will always receive much higher quantities with lowest and it may not be appropriate.

Thank you for your reply here are some photo graphs. My measurements are: Lowest point 10334.27 m3, Linier 2793.58 m3, Triangulated 2574.88 m3 Other survey measurements are 7876.331 m3 carried out by a drone and 5499.3 m3 using conventional survey method and 3D Lidor method.
Drone Deploy recommends the lowest point for large stockpiles on flat ground up against a banking i think.



With lowest point you are measuring a lot of the ground under the stockpile. Stockpile measurement is extremely dependent on selecting and describing the correct base plane. If you are not choosing points on the ground, your base will be incorrect and your measurement might be WAY off.

Here you can see that triangulated will be your best chance to measure it in one go, but likely you will need to split up a stockpile like this to ensure the base plane is correct. -

I suggest you contact our support team and give them the link to your map so they can assist.