What primary channel/band is used when processing multispectral imagery?

I am using DroneDeploy to produce point clouds from flights done with the Mavic 3M. The point cloud produced using the multispectral images (R, G, NIR, RE) is more complete than the point cloud produced using the RGB images. I am wondering what multispec band is used as the primary channel/band for the reconstruction? In Agisoft, I’ve noticed that using the NIR and RE bands as the primary channel/band results in a much more complete canopy reconstruction than using the Green (default) or Red bands (canopy cover is almost double). So it would be interesting to know what band DroneDeploy uses as the primary band given it seems to have such a big difference on the reconstruction.

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Can any of the developers at DroneDeploy comment on this question? The answer will impact whether I use the software to process my multispec imagery or whether I move to another bit of software.

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