Walkthrough App Settings

Has anyone been using the 360 Walkthrough app. It seems to work quite well but the resolution isn’t great. We are using the recommended Insta360 One X2 and it says 5.7k 360 in the spec but I there’s no option to change any settings in the app. Maybe we could use the Insta App and upload manually but again, I can only see a generic walkthrough on the site.

Any ideas anyone?

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It would probably be best to contact support and have them take a look at it first before you waste too much time. Even if you upload manually they may be knocking them down too much.

I’m using the X3, export the 5.7K insta videos as MP4 with 180 quality setting, then manual upload to DD. The quality of is MUCH better than using the DD walk app.

I don’t blame DD because high res upload will be too slow using wireless/cellular connections.

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