Is it possible and legal to use drone deploy mobile app after trial period, only for taking photos and process them in another app (even by another person)?
Thanks a lot
Is it possible and legal to use drone deploy mobile app after trial period, only for taking photos and process them in another app (even by another person)?
Thanks a lot
Is it possible and legal to use drone deploy mobile app after trial period, only for taking photos and process them in another app (even by another person)?"
Also enchanced 3d and browser mission planing will be available after trial period?
Yes. The flight app is not currently dependent on having a paid processing subscription in order to use it. It is separate and currently free.
I understand now, how DD business works, and I appreciated that DD has taken this path.
It is obvious that someday I will use cloud computing because it will be such easy for somebody like me using DD app already.
Thanks. Great stable app!
What smart device, version of DD app and model UAV do you use?
Stable app? We do not find it to be that great…seems there are a lot of bugs in the iOS version
Oh… I saw the topics about the instability of the app, however, I am using iPhone 6s (I know it’s a bit old) with 4.9 version I guess.
And it is extremely stable, pix4d, for instance, don’t have cam preview.
I am flying M2P