There may be times when you want to have your maps align and be able to report progress, but don’t need centimeter absolute accuracy or have GNSS equipment to set GCP’s. This is a process I use for these occasions. You can paint the ground, put down some inexpensive targets or just use existing features to create rough Ground Control Points or RGCP’s as we call them. With the aid of Google Earth Pro, QGIS or other GIS software you can create a control file to upload with your images that will allow you to compare your maps side-by-side perfectly aligned, have persistent overlays and even calculate work performed between maps.
Now here is the disclaimer. This does not tie your maps to any surface (localized) coordinate systems and is a sub-meter alignment with WGS84 which can then be transformed to an approximation of another CRS via DroneDeploy or GIS software like QGIS. You can however use the proper GNSS equipment to localize this control to create a network by which you can assist with mass land development. An example would be having a private land owner who might have the need to rough grade a site, build a barn or build a pond ON THEIR PROPERTY. This is not applicable to commercial work that would require permitting. It can however be applied in conjunction with an Engineer to provide design development and budgeting numbers. You could use your control network to design and layout features that are relative to that network within a tenth of a foot.
Here’s the workflow,
- Set some inexpensive targets (Home Depot 5-gallon bucket lids) that can be left on site or set markers that the targets can be returned to on future visits. If you do not have access to the site then you can later pick existing features such as corners of structures or paving, manholes, inlets, fence corners or any other feature that is unlikely to be disturbed that you can see in your drone map.
- Fly your drone.
- Process the map without GCP’s.
- Load the map into Google Earth or QGIS.
- Use the drone surface elevations.
Processed Map to GCP’s
Google Earth
QGIS (more accurate)