Small example map , no GCPs seems accurate

I laid out point at 20’ and 20’ and 11’8". No GCPs. Looks to be on the money , I measured out points twice be for flight with mavic 2 pro. Do you need GCPs for accuracy within the map itself?;jwt_token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJleHAiOjI1MzQwMjMwMDc5OSwiaWQiOiI1ZTgwZmJkZGZiMWQ4NGNjMjQ5ODBjOWQiLCJzY29wZSI6WyI0MWJlOGY3MDRhX0M2QjJEMzdCRTBPUEVOUElQRUxJTkUiXSwidHlwZSI6IlJlYWRPbmx5UGxhbiIsIm92ZXJsYXlfZm9sZGVyX2lkIjoiNWU4MGQwZmU0NWU4OGUwNDA5Y2JmYzFhIn0.oQkl1v1E6e-IKH6HiNMOttfKNGS2A-D0VFL6fgJb1OqtpR_akAlAYNs8zCgRU_BMrbgu6b_ssCmQXw0xMhDm0g

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Small localized measurements will be very relatively accurate, especially horizontally. Ground Control Points are meant to create absolute accuracy. If your map was much larger you would start to see greater error the longer the measurements get. While GCP’s do help horizontal accuracy it is more about improving the placement of the map on a specific coordinate system and the vertical aspect.

Thanks for the reply, quite a learning curve in the mapping world with no survey experience. I been in construction for 20 plus years , piping trades. But i do know how to read the survey points that may already be on site to help. Is there a single tool to collect GCPs like Emlid or something else with out the need for a ground station?

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Using a base and rover receiver is going to be the best option for high accuracy GCP’s. There is a solution called Aeropoints, but it is much more expensive, requires proprietary software, a subscription and is much slower to collect data.

You could also just have a rover receiver and connect via NTRIP.

Not having any survey experience it is going to be tough wrapping your head around all this and getting actual absolute accuracy. This is one of the biggest problems in drone mapping right now is that everyone thinks they can just pick up a drone and make an accurate map that is relative to their situation. Online solutions like DroneDeploy and Propeller make it so easy to get part of the way there that they are kind of part of the problem.

I agree and I know I got a long learning curve ahead, but am determined to learn this. and when I do run into surveyors, I will be asking questions, if they are willing to share.

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You are on the right forum. We will help as much as we can so fire away. I am also on a GPS-centric forum that would be very beneficial getting going.

Here is a thread on a simple way to start practicing the GCP workflow. It’s not meant for super centimeter-level accuracy, but will get your map pretty close and sometimes more importantly align to each other. Especially if your are doing utility work progress.

…and a support doc from DroneDeploy. If you haven’t already seen it cruise around a little.

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so I ordered a emlid rs+ to start with and a nice tripod, going to try NTRIP at first and see how it works, learn and go from there. I contacted local NTRIP provider and sent them a email, they are going to set me up a account. wish me luck, long road ahead learning this stuff


Good start! Let us know how it goes!

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Here is another map I did at 150’ and 3 acres, Im still impressed on how good the drone does on its own, granted the measurements are not long, I am by myself, Interesting location I picked but urned out pretty good even on 3D;jwt_token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJleHAiOjI1MzQwMjMwMDc5OSwiaWQiOiI1ZTg3N2E1OWIyYTNlZTY3OGQzZTNiM2MiLCJzY29wZSI6WyJkNzdhMzIxOWVlX0M2QjJEMzdCRTBJTlNQSVJFIl0sInR5cGUiOiJSZWFkT25seVBsYW4iLCJvdmVybGF5X2ZvbGRlcl9pZCI6IjVlODc2YjhhYjljNDZlN2E0MTE3ODRlZiJ9.HOS92ouvSTAM42aNF3DI2TVK7sxWu77XyGMAi30eHvDbtJJDl-ZQKpKHKu_fylVbSz2QmCPnicH9TuZMYCeIRA


Very nice. I would expect a little more detail on the bushes, but I really Really like the flat profile. I have a hard time getting my P4P V2 to do that, but I do post-processing in ACDSee anyway. One reason I really like the H520. It has a flat profile by default, but you can put it vivid if you want and -0.3 exposure which will really help on sunny days. How many time did I say “really”… Geeez :crazy_face:

Did you run DD full auto?

Yes, full auto, and thank you for the likes! Every time you comment I have just learned something new, so thanks! I have not tried the manual camera settings yet on DD. When I fly to take pics or vid I am always on manual. Im on a trial run on software called Indshine, every here of it? I just got it, but Im told you can export maps to clients and they have all the tools etc… at hand for free.

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Please HELP, I got Indshine and QGIS and every map I upload is burry as hell, can not work with it at all. and I uploaded per their spec. 4326/ WGS84 and have givin plenty of time to upload.
This is from DD witch looks great on DD, I must be missing something??

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Never heard of Indshine. Is it like QGIS or do you use it with QGIS?

What are the specs of you computer (process/memory/graphics)? What resolution are you trying to work with?

Normally in QGIS if it is a rendering lag then the image doesn’t show up at all…

QGIS I downloaded yesterday, different software than Inshine but similar, my PC is MSI 9th gen I7,
NVIDIA 1660 Ti, 16GB, 512GB SSD

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Exporting from DD resolution is 20in per pix

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I think you already answered my question, Resolution!


I would start at 4in/px which is usually good enough for most tasks, but if you use QGIS you can import the full native resolution and build pyramids so it will render more quickly and navigate better. I am assuming Indshare has a similar function. I’ll have to try that out! I see mention of comparison being QGIS + Google drive and sharing with those that don’t have QGIS or a formal understanding of GIS has kept us from making it an established part of our workflow. I push people to use the DD browser, but there are still people that refuse to use cloud SaaS.

Thanks for the reply, Im still working on it, but to my understanding Inshine lets you share your map to client that needs no software and can use all the tools that Indshine has.

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I can share the map with you through Idshine if youd like to try it, just need your email?
Just share your thoughts
Can you PM me on here?


Michael I appreciate your help today although I’m confused what you are accomplishing with this method, with no gps on the ground to mark gcp, and just choosing a point in google earth and getting y,x data from google, how do you ensure the center of your target will be on that point when you lay them out pre flight.

If you fly the mission first with no gcp, process and export ortho into google, how do you ensure the absolute accuracy of the export to even get your y,x data for the gcp .csv file.

Also if the GCPs are off because you haven’t got y,x from gps then won’t the processing be messed up as it it trying to use the coordinates of the gcp to process?

I’m just trying to get my head wrapped around your ideas here.

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