Phantom RTK Vertical accuracy

Is anybody has experience to use Phantom RTK drone with D-RTK base?
I am still testing it and didn’t get good result.
I’ve read a lot of discussions in the internet but still not clear what settings should be.
As I figured out when use D-RTK base the height of the receiver should be added to control point elevation. It is 1.802 m.
I work in NAD83 3TM M114 projection (Canada, Alberta) and use Ortho elevations from Government provided control points ASCM.
So, my accuracy in dronedeploy(I used GCP’s only as check points) are:
Checkpoint Label X Error (cm) Y Error (cm) Z Error (cm)
2checkpoint 1.9100 -3.7200 -35.4500
3checkpoint 3.6400 -4.2800 -44.5700
Total (RMSE) 2.9067 4.0098 40.2690

Also I did process the same flight in PIX4D:
Check Point Name Error X [m] Error Y [m] Error Z [m]
2 -0.019 0.050 0.019
3 -0.033 0.044 0.073
RMS Error [m] 0.032286 0.035716 0.048299

The question is why dronedeploy gives me that big error on Z?
Appreciate any help.

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