Phantom 4 RTK Setup

The dongle does not come with the P4 RTK system, you can find the on eBay for about $70 (dongle only), I had to buy mine from overseas.

Once you insert the dongle w/Sim card it should auto connect. In the GS RTK app you can go to the RTK tab and in the settings it will tell you. I seen it on mine but I don’t have it up right now to get you the exact location. If you haven’t found it, I’ll pull mine out and get the steps to get to the CORS location.

Is there one specific dongle or do you know if other USB-styles will work?

I purchased the ZTE MF833V dongle and I’m using a AT&T Sim Card. My Sim Card was a nano card so I had to buy the adapter to use it in the dongle. Works fine.

I’m waiting on the NTRIP login information to use online RTK. Yesterday and today I flew a site where I used a TBM to set the D-RTK base station on. I typed in the coords and height in then took off. It set all the heights based off my Z. Without setting the Z or logged in it sets the Z to 0.

Currently I’m learning the unit and chomping at the bit for a DD solution for the flight software, @AlexHennessey. DJI’s GS RTK app has issues with multiple battery missions, it skips to the next leg to start the next battery. Your supposed to pause the mission and restart where it left off, I haven’t tried pausing the mission at 20% battery yet. Maybe tomorrow I’ll test that out or just keep praying DD RTK is coming out soon.

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We don’t have an RTK so I was just curious if we could possibly use a dongle that we could put on our Verizon plan. Problem is that they are moving away from USB and going with MiFi’s and routers… Thanks for the detail!

I see no problems. I think DJI recommended the one above due to it’s physical size. There are a few USB dongles that need to go on a diet or something.

As for the MiFi setup, my D-RTK also has a LAN port which should allow you to connect it to a router.

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What is basically the difference between using the dongle or simply use a hotspot? May appear much easier to me just to open a hotspot?!

Or is a phone hotspot not working for the base station?

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I don’t think dongles will work in the U.S.
Someone correct me if I’m wrong. I have talked to DJI several times and have no answer except refer to the manual.


As soon as I got the rtk drone, I’ll report how it works with hotspot in Europe :+1:t2: