Possuo um Phantom 3 Standard, e fiz um planejamento de voo utilizando primeiramente do Google Earth, gerando um arquivo KLM.
Ao abrir o DroneDeploy, da área a ser voada, fiz as demais configurações e um teste de voo em escritório para ver se tudo estava de acordo, antes de realizar o voo definitivo.
Ao chegar em campo, e iniciar a programação de voo, o DroneDeploy, não faz a autorização de voo, pois diz que a distancia a ser voada do home, está além de 500m e o drone não decola. Tentei mudar o home, visando minimizar esta distância, mas a área a ser voada é uma reserva e não há como encurtar esta distância.
Observei posteriormente que o aplicativo da DJI, atualizado, agora limita o voo do Phantom 3 a 500m do home, o que é muito pequena para fazer levantamentos de propriedades.
Aguem teria alguma sugestão para apresentar, visando inibir este problema. Obrigado!
You wrote:
I have a Phantom 3 Standard, and I did a flight planning using Google Earth first, generating a KLM file.
When opening the DroneDeploy, from the area to be flown, I made the other configurations and an office flight test to see if everything was in order, before making the final flight.
When arriving in the field, and starting the flight schedule, DroneDeploy, does not make the flight authorization, as it says that the distance to be flown from the home is beyond 500m and the drone does not take off. I tried to change the home, in order to minimize this distance, but the area to be flown is a reserve and there is no way to shorten this distance.
I later noticed that the updated DJI app now limits the flight of the Phantom 3 to 500m from the home, which is too small for property surveys.
Does anyone have a suggestion for dealing with this situation? Thanks!
I think the 500m limit is the altitude and the distance from home should be a setting in DJI Go. You can turn off the limit setting.
500m is high (1640 feet). This is much higher than the usual 400 feet limit in the DJI App. Like you say, it would be interesting to check if there is a 500m distance limit in DJI Go.
I found this in the manual but don’t have a way to check in app. Beyond that the P3 Standard has never been supported so I am surprised if it would work at all.
There was a time when P3 Standard worked in DroneDeploy:
Correct, but that was before the new interface and it is no longer on the supported hardware list.
Não é 500m de altura de voo, e sim 500m afastado do home. Acho que esta distância de 500m de alcance de voo do Phantom 3, ser bastante ruim, pois impede de fazermos voos, principalmente onde estamos analisando impactos ambientais e a área a ser verificada fica além dos 500m, e por ser área com problemas de alagamento (manguezais), ficamos impedidos de fazer estes voos.
Não consegui identificar no aplicativo DJI, onde posso desligar este limite de distância. Poderia melhor detalhar como faço isto no DJI. Agradeceria muito
You wrote:
It is not 500m flight height, but 500m away from home. I think this distance of 500m of flight range of the Phantom 3, is quite bad, because it prevents us from flying, especially where we are analyzing environmental impacts and the area to be checked is beyond 500m, and because it is an area with flooding problems ( mangroves), we are prevented from making these flights.
Then you wrote:
I was unable to identify in the DJI application, where I can turn off this distance limit. If you could go into more detail about how I do this in DJI, I would appreciate it very much