Offline access to maps

We were not able to access cached offline maps when in the field. There is no WiFi or cell service out there. Was able to duplicate this issue at the office by turning off cell data n WiFi on device. Devices are both iPhone 6 & iPad Pro running latest iOS. This happened during first use of the new release 2.0.44

Anyone, have any suggestions.

Here is the dashboard view when offline with no internet connect

Here is the same screen when online with connection to web

Hey cplamb, sorry you’re experiencing this. Can you please confirm that the cached tiles are actually unavailable? You’ll need to click “Edit” on one of your cached plans while the device is offline to confirm this.

We’re aware of (and working on fixing) a bug where the status displayed is incorrect, but the cached tiles still exist and work as expected. If your cached tiles are actually missing, that’s a new bug that we have not seen.

So I took my devise ‘offline’, and although the same message came up, it appears that the map was cached. yay!

It appears that only the message is incorrect.

Here’s the screen grab

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Hey, glad to hear it! Obviously this isn’t ideal but at least you know the tiles are still there.

We’re hoping to get a fix for the status out in our next release. In the meantime, it might be worthwhile to verify that your offline tiles are available (via airplane mode or similar) before heading out to fly offline.