2 weeks ago we (efficatia) bought an agrichultue license for 12 months and started to upload orthomosaics that we took along the year. Everything was going smoothly until today we tried to upload a new project and this notification poped up: “Weare happy to see you are utilizing DroneDeploy to its fullest, but we have had to momentarily pause your usage to check it with our fair use policy. Please contact us in order to resume your normal usage.”.
We don’t really know what the problem may be, but we would like to clarify it in any case as we need to use the app. If anyone can help, i would appreciate it. Thank you in advance!
Julian Mercado
This is what I found from a search on the DroneDeploy Fair Use Policy:
Terms of Service | DroneDeploy.
1.1 - Fair Usage
Our Fair Use Policy has been created to prevent improper use of DroneDeploy software, so we can offer all our customers an excellent user experience. The Fair Use Policy for our SaaS solution include user access, data processing, storage, sharing and API traffic. Each DroneDeploy license is to be used by one person only, and reasonable amounts of data creation for a single person, and is not to be shared with any other user. We determine the scope of Fair Use we take into account your license against the usage typical usage across the universe of accounts. When we detect out of the ordinary levels of usage in your DroneDeploy account, we’ll contact you to discuss the situation and potential alternatives. If usage does not come into compliance with our policy, we reserve the right to limit your account or terminate your license and access to the system.
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Thank you very much! We had a talk with a seller before buying the license, clarifying about how much data we could upload and how to use it. That’s why we don’t understand the sanction, but in any case how can we solve this?
Negotiate with DroneDeploy or buy a license with more budget (business) or buy a photogrammetry program and a good computer and process them yourself. I use Metashape professional on a computer with 18-cores, Nvidia GTX 1080 ti GPU, 128 GB DDR4 3200 MHz and 3000 MB/s M.2 on PCIE 3.0 bus and get great results after some learning and no recurring cost (ok electricity).
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@julian.amt Sorry for the pause there. Please feel free to reach out to support@dronedeploy.com and we can get this resolved!