I have downloaded the .OBJ model file. I want to share it with clients for their own viewing purposes. What other software can consume the.OBJ files and display them?
@Micah_Warnock Download this Meshlab, you can import OBJ mesh and view the model. https://www.meshlab.net/
Can you see the textures there?
@MichaelL OBJ is combination of structure + photos of 3D model… might have to do more reading meshlab to 'how to use " on youtube but should be pretty straight forward to view the data. good luck
I am familiar but the last time I used MeshLab I couldn’t get the texture files to load and all I get was the solid surface.
@MichaelL ah, yes…one thing i had to make sure was to when you export it creates name as scene_mesh_texture.mtl and *.obj file plus it has these files scene_mesh_textutured_material_00_map_K.d.jpg etc… these files all should be same name…so when you import mesh, meshlab can grab those jpg (which are i think you refer as texture (photos skins). hope this makes sense…
Got it, i’ll check that out. Thank you!