M300 RTK unsuccessful Map HELP!

I flew interstate for a job with a new M300 RTK AND USED THE SMART OBLIQUE function, height restrictions by authorities meaning with the p1 it’s. 0.75 and 1.2 in oblique and the site took about 7000 photos, I had good overlap and I’ve checked all the photos and all are sharp and in focus no blur, why am I getting an error that it cannot be processed? This is my first proper job with the hope of more from this client and I’m unable to just go back and shoot as it’s in a restricted location.

I had RTK lock for over 1hour and did everything as per instructions, is anyone able to help or is this the wrong software for me to use?



That’s too many images for a single map. How many acres/hectares? What plan? Any time we have done something that big we would split it into two or three projects and combine them in QGIS if necessary. GeoTiffs that big are hell on anything except for a CAD/gaming machine.

Oh no really, I spoke to drone deploy before doing the job and they increased my plan to 10,000 images. How do I split it up into different maps?

It was about 650m x 650m I’m in australia and the site had a height limit of 60m because of how close it was to a controlled tower at a major airport.

650 meters? If so that is only about 100acres and surely wouldn’t take 7,000 images. Even at 180ft and an oblique crosshatch it would only be about 4,000 images.

You can re-upload after the fact but splitting the images up to sections my be tough. Especially if there are really long lanes that would cross these sections. Ideally it would be flown as separate missions but maybe something like Geosetter could help you visualize what images you need to form those sections. For instance we did a 10 mile roadway and because of visibility issues there were 10 different flights. The first time we tried to upload all the images at once and while DD successfully made the map we couldn’t even export it much less use it on anything. Finding this out we split it by road stationing as in the plans and kept different projects but in the future also uploaded the mass just to have the image available. When we needed a high-res full map we loaded the individual maps into QGIS and created a master that was workable.