Linear Mapping Questions

  1. Just run the left and right ROW, but just enough in that you get the roadway covered from both sides. As long as you are getting at least 70% front overlaps it will turn out well.
  2. You will want GCP’s every 1/2km, but space them so that you get overlap between the separate missions catching the same end GCP on each consecutive flight. Corridors need more GCP’s because of the linear nature and the fact that they are much more subject to twisting.
  3. I made a folder for the project and a project for each mile. If you are working in kilometers you might be able to do 2km/project as long as you are comfortable with VLOS.
  4. I don’t think Terrain Awareness works on linear missions yet so that is another good reason to break each 1-2km into separate projects.
  5. I don’t know what the regulations are for where you are at, but in the States VLOS is required and operating from a moving vehicle requires a waiver. This gets into a function that I have been asking of DroneDeploy @Andrew_Fraser since before they had linear flight. We need to be able to start and end a mission from a mid-point. I fly be the mile so starting at the 1/2-mile mark I should be able to have my 1st and last waypoints at the same area. This is the most efficient way with the ROW flight line method that I have been using. See this thread.
    Linear Mapping App
  6. If you are using GCP’s and the end GCP for each mission is included in the adjacent mission then your elevations will align. I again suggest having separate “projects” for each 2km segment. Once they are processed you can bring each 2km map into QGIS to create a master map.

I would highly recommend managing your final data in QGIS or some other GIS platform as they are designed to deal with data of this size. This will allow you to combine the orthos from all the flights with additional information like CAD linework and survey points.