Leaflet Tile Layer throwing 404

I’m attempting to load the Leaflet Tile Layer generated in Drone Deploy as a layer in leaflet map. But it throws 404 for all tiles. What is the proper want to load it as a leaflet layer?


I tried with or without the token like this
L.tileLayer(droneLayerUrl, {
accessToken: “eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJleHAiOjIxNDU5MTY4MDAwMDAsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoic2N1dHRlckBjdmZhcm1zLmNvIiwicGxhbl9pZCI6IjVmNjhlYjc1OTc3MWE1NzdlNGU3NDRmZSIsImxheWVyIjoib3J0aG9tb3NhaWMifQ.IrC19CSrq4BHx5Y6AztMvGTYiShcb4MR3Gv-xghTNXmzlI3njCr35af5e2EDso62uaexOek7p9CAZ73muC0B1g”,

Please help. Thanks

Nevermind. I see that it 404s on some zoom levels and not others. my layer is showing up, even with the 404s in the console.

Glad you got it worked out!
If you continue to experience issues, drop us a line at support@dronedeploy.com.
