Imagery Tiles with KML Files

Is there any way we can tile a very large Native or 5cm/p image and have associated kml files for map processing?

At the moment we donā€™t support this. Can you explain a bit more of what youā€™re using them for?

I use the data captured by the drone to create charts of dams/lakes/rivers that are low due to drought.

The map engine that I use requires a KML input, and no other format. So currently I have to take the tif image, place it in Google Earth, and try ā€˜calibrateā€™ it manually. This is very time consuming and often not very accurate. The DD software already places it perfectly in GE but the export button only exports the image, and no georeferenced data along with it, such as a KML file.

The other issue is that I am limited to an export of 10cm/p due to the map engine having difficulty with very large single images, but has no problem processing hundreds of images up to say 5000x5000 pixels. This forces me to sacrifice the high definition imagery that the drone is actually capable of.

I see the other drone mapping Apps do support KML, but I have become quite comfortable with DroneDeploy and look forward to being a customer for many years to come.

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If you export as Web Mercator, you will get a KML file in the export.

Thatā€™s interesting, thanks jono.

Where does it give you this option in the Export process?

Thank you

This is one of the two options for projection systems. Please see the documentation on Exporting your Data, especially the section on Projection.

DroneDeploy currently supports two coordinate systems, or projections, for your exports. These projections determine how your 2D image ā€œprojectsā€ onto a 3D Earth:

WGS84 - A standard latitude/longitude/altitude projection that is useful if your third-party tool is expecting lat/lng/alt data. It is also referred to as ā€œEPSG 4326ā€. Read more about it on Wikipedia.
Web Mercator - This coordinate system is used by Google Earth, Mapbox, Bing Maps, etc. It represents coordinates in meters from Earthā€™s center, rather that lat/lngā€™s. If you want to import your images into Google Earth or another web viewer, use this setting! It is also referred to as ā€œEPSG 3857ā€. Read more about it on Wikipedia. When exporting in this setting, you will also receive the .KML file used by Google Earth to easily view your data in Google Earth.

Thanks jono, much appreciated :smile:

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