I am new at this. I have an Evo 2 Pro V2. I am about to fly my first mapping mission.
A few questions:
When saving the mission there are two file types…Default (Exif Compatability) and Pix4D. I am assuming the former. Is that correct?
What exactly is the course Angle and can it be left to Auto? Why or under what circumstances would you change it?
What is the purpose of the Mission Relative Altitude? When or why would you need to reset it?
The shooting angle I assume is relative to the path of the drone and is normally 0 degrees. Under what circumstances would one choose one of the two other choices, 90 and -90, perpendicular to the main path?
Default. I don’t know anyone that uses the Pix4D setting even if they use Pix4D to process. May be a leftover from before Pix4D adopted the Evo II Pro.
Course Angle is the direction of the flight lines. Auto is ok but not always the most efficient. It is best for odd-shaped sites that the flight would need to jump across dead zones. It allows it to jump waypoints and come back to them
MRA allows for structures so it will fly at altitude over roofs to maintain GSD and overlaps.
This is correct. For instance you can create a waypoint mission around a building and shoot at it. It can be changed per wp as well.
Andrew, below are response to your questions based on my experience with the Autel Evo II and DD:
I use Default EXIF compatibility. Works well with DD
Auto optimizes the path to minimize the duration of the mission. Play with this setting and you will see that the grid changes angle.
I have not used this setting and cannot comment.
Your assumption is correct. For orthophotos and 3D models, I maintain at 0. Perhaps you can use the 90 or -90 if you want to do facade pictures using a polygon mission.
It is only optimizing for oddly shaped sites where a traditional grid would cause flight over dead space. You have to watch out because it can cause odd side-overlaps depending on where it decides to hop over. I have had several instances where toggling on auto actually caused the time to go up. Your just not capturing useless imagery.
You should definitely try this if you ever need a nice facade. DroneDeploy’s perimeter option focuses on the centroid of the space (or wherever you manually move it to) so the imagery has a high angle of attack whereas being able to make the drone crab and remain perpendicular to the subject catches much better imagery. Much less distortion.