Dual camera NDVI processing?

I’ve seen this question has been asked before (back in 2016), but has there been any updates on the ability to process dual camera NDVI images (say, from an RGB and an NGB camera, using the red band from one, and the NIR band from the other) via Drone Deploy since then?

So far I’ve been processing the RGB and NGB orthomosaics separately, importing into a desktop GIS, registering them to improve their alignment then building a composite multiband raster and calculating NDVI manually, but it is A. a cumbersome process, as previously noted, and B. there are limits to the accuracy of the dual camera registration, whereas if a single multispectral orthophoto had been generated in the first place, might be improved.

Any advice would be much appreciated, thanks.

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I’d be interested to hear more in detail about the workflow and see what kind of final product you are looking for. I am not sure what you mean by registering?

Are you using GCP’s?

It is very easy to make a composite in QGIS, but I am not sure it is what you are talking about.

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Thanks for your reply Michael.

Essentially we are trying to calculate an NDVI layer using one spectral band from each camera ((NIR - red) / (NIR + red). It seems at the moment Drone Deploy can generate various vegetation indices depending on the spectral bands available from the sensor (though our current plan only allows for VARI) but can’t calculate NDVI when the red and near-infrared bands are from different cameras (on the same drone flight).

As of yet we haven’t been using ‘true’ GCPs, but have had reasonable results aligning the NGB image with the RGB image via the ‘Register Raster’ tool in ArcGIS Pro even without GCPs (understandably, alignment is better in some areas of the orthophotos than others though).

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Thanks for that detail, makes sense!


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