Drone Deploy Ground App - Not available for Android (Play Store)

The Drone Deploy Ground App is currently only available for IOS, with not plans of making this available for Android users.

Please make this a priority so everyone can use the platform they pay for, and not limiting it to half the user base.

The Drone Deploy Flight app (Mapping for DJI) is available on the play store, with 500k+ downloads. This is indictive of how many users are missing out on the ground capture part of the platform.
This should be enough to make this request a priority.

Android Structionsite users had access to the Structionsite app before the acquisition by Drone Deploy, but now this app will be shut down, with no replacement.


Thank you for posting this. We brought this up with our account representative and he said they were having internal discussions about this recently. That is encouraging but they are not very good in following through even on what they say they will do. They said they were working on making the flight app compatible with Autel Evo 2 drones something like 3-4 years ago and they still have not followed through on that.


Adding my support for an Android Ground app.

I realise that Apple devices sold in its own country (the US) dominate over other brands and platforms (like Android), but that is somewhat unique to the US.

When you step outside the US like where Dan and I are, iOS is in the minority. iOS adoption drops even further in industries where there are higher chances of device breakages, such as in construction. Many people choose cheaper Android devices because of this. It is a feature, not a bug.

And, with many companies continuing to have a Bring Your Own Device policy, you cannot rely on convincing company decision-makers that they must buy additional devices just to use one app.

Please release an Android app sooner than later.


This has been an issue for over 2 years. 360 Walkthrough and Android - General Discussion / How To - DroneDeploy

Really frustrating. Android devices are prevalent on job sites. Hard to get staff to buy in to tools when they have to jump through hoops to use them.

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