Disconnecting problems during automatic flight

Yesterday I flew a 20 has automatic flight with my Mavic 2 pro. From the beginning the RC disconnected y reconnected permanently in intervals of 2 seconds. After a time the image transmissions stopped. But the dron continued the flightplan correctly and captured all the fotos. After the battery change the dron didn´t fly back to the last place, but where he stopped the image transmission. So he fles some lines again.

I don´t have the disconnecting problem with the DJI Go 4 App.

What could be the reason?
Thanks a lot for your advices.


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This actually happened to me with my Phantom 4 occassionally, i believe it could be Drone Deploy Apps problem.

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Thank you very much for your answer. May be that Dron Deploy App is incompatible with my I phone 6. But until a few days it worked perfectly. Or perhaps the last version of dron deploy doesn´t work with my I phone. What should I do?