Different maps

Desktop and mobile apps show different Google maps for the same area: 56.067853, 43.233803


Mavic Pro
iPad Mini-4 iOS 11.4


HI @Vavania,

Can you provide photos of the differences you’re seeing?


Small - mobile, large - desktop.


I’ve seen this in a few remote areas, but for the mostpart they match. I have also seen the map change with zoom factor. Sometimes it’s a newer map when you zoom in. Same thing happens on Google Earth Pro though.

It is clear that the mobile app loads some very-very old map on the top. During zooming the new map appears for a second and then is overlaped with old one. This is nonsens gently speaking.

I agree. Google has a bad time releasing its APIs and updates consistently across the AEC industry. I guess drones are no different.

Hi @Vavania,

I’ve escalated your issue to our team for investigation. Hopefully I’ll have some information to share soon.


Hi @Vavania,

I have some information to share from a team member who took a look into your account. From the looks of it, this issue is likely caused by a cached offline map that used tiles from a provider other than Google. At least one of your maps has been saved offline.

Unfortunately, there isn’t a toggle to remove these old base map tiles. The best way to remove these is to uninstall and reinstall the DroneDeploy app. However, please sync any mobile data you have first to your desktop before you uninstall and reinstall the app.


Ok, it works! Thanks!

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Perfect! Glad to hear this.