Cut Volume to a certain base elevation

Good day All,

I am not sure if this has already been discussed however I couldn’t find it.

Scenario: Client has a construction project on a rocky and slope hill. He’s asking if there is a way to measure the volume that needs to be excavated to reach a levelled base of 20m ASL (Or any specific elevation) I am using a M350 RTK and this data would be processed with GCP’s tied in to a legal survey on site.

the goal is to measure the volume that would need to get excavated to form a plane levelled base to a certain elevation and calculate how much that volume would be.

or is the only way to do this is to fly the mission as is with the rock still there, and then fly it again with they did excavated the whole side to their desired elevation and then do a volume difference on that measure for the said area.

does this make sense?

I believe you would need to upload a design surface overlay file which shows the final RL and that would then show you the difference between the current land mass and the final level you wish to get to.

However i have a client asking the same question as yours and they dont have / dont want to provide the design surface ovrlay file. so this would be very handy, if we could somehow in DD simply put in the final level we are seeking and in return DD tell us how much would need to be cut / filled to achieve this final level.