Sorry if this is a newbee question. I’m starting out and will be flying farms that are composed of multiple small fields (100-200 acres). I’d like to combine the results into a single map, taking multiple analysis results rather than uploading all images to a single analysis. I will also have different farms that I’d like to bring together into a larger map, several ‘000s of acres.
Basically, I would like to end up with a map of the regional area that I can use to discuss with cooperative members reviewing the results from multiple farms as a single analysis.
In combining these files I would like to have a common elevation point, preferably sea level, so the elevation flow can be viewed across large areas, multiple farms. This will allow me to review plant health in relation to elevation and flow across fields.
Here is my question - Can this be done in DD or do I need to export to a separate CAD? If I have to export, do you have a recommended CAD for this purpose?
So little time, so much to learn.
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To get decent vertical accuracy for water flow analysis (eg inch accurate), you would need to have a drone with RTK GPS on board or use Ground Control Points surveyed with RTK GPS. as explained here in DD help:
We at develop software for analyzing water flow in farm fields and improving topography to improve drainage, infiltration and erosion. Out software can import DD point cloud data. We have also recently released an app on Drone Deploy:
Let us know what your trying to do and we can work with you to get the results you need.
Hi @tvoshell! We are happy to hear that you are using DroneDeploy to fly many many acres of land and farms. At this time, your maps can live within the same project and you can switch between those maps as needed by date and name, however, you will not be able to create one giant map that encompasses all of the smaller maps. This is a great feature request, however, that I am more than happy to tag on your behalf and route that up to the proper internal team. You will need to export your maps out of DroneDeploy and into a different program to mesh all of them together if you need to have one giant map of all of the farmland, that will be the ideal way to do it. I hope this information helps!
Creating very large maps in DroneDeploy does not work well. Once they reach a certain size the interface can become laggy and there’s a good chance that you will not even be able to export at a decent resolution.
Instead, your best bet is to fly each field as a separate project, export the ortho mosaics and combined them in QGIS. You can then export a master map if you like, but most of the work and viewing can be done in qgis much more efficiently than on an internet interface.
We are working on a 10-mile roadway that DroneDeploy would not even export at 4in/px so I flew each mile as a separate project and was able to name them according to the stations on the plans. We have had zero issues with this method.
Thank you. I thought this was going to be the best way. Just needed to confirm.
Combine multiple columns into one stacked column. solved. Close. 3. Posted by 1 year ago. Archived. Combine multiple columns into one stacked column. solved . Is it possible to stack all my columns in rows 1-6 into one column? Here is what I have
I am going to consider this spam and remove this post unless you can explain what your meaning was.