Cm/px confusion

Two flights over two different areas
image This is 1.7cm/pixel.
image And this is 1.5cm/pixel.
How can it be so different? Does anyone else experience this? Did I do something wrong?


I have noticed this with my imagery also. I am very interested in learning why this occurs.

I have and think there are a lot of things that contributed to it on my side.

  • weather
  • auto camera settings
  • speed
  • dirty camera lense
  • times of day

Without being able to zoom in/out of the images it is hard to tell, but the first image (parking lot) it looks like focus is the issue (rather than motion blur from flying fast with a slow shutter speed)? Are all the individual images in the flight the same (out of focus)? DragonFlyAs’s comments are all relevant too. I’ll be interested to see what others think.

The mission relating to the first picture was completed on a dull, overcast day. Referring back to my logsheet, the weather conditions changed during the flight. It started snowing, but not until the UAV was landing. The picture shown was taken early in the mission, and yes, all the pictures are blurry like this. The temperature was 0ºC, with a 3.6m/s wind at ground level. The camera is set to autofocus, the lens is always wiped pre-flight, the UAV speed is set to default.
On a good note, the volume calculation results from this mission (the intent and purpose of the mission) all worked within 10% of the client’s numbers obtained from ground survey.