Can´t choose Coordinate System exporting JPG

Hi, I´m trying to export a new project but i can´t coose the right coordinate sysetem when exporting a JPG. I can chose NAD83 / UT; zone 14N EPSG:26914 / Meter when exporting a GEOTIFF, but if I change to JPG there´s only one optinon Web (Eeb Mercator) EPSG: 3857 / Meter wich doesn´t work for my project.

Hi @Roberto_Gonzalez_Ran! We only support Web Mercator for JPG exports at this time. Feel free to submit a Support ticket if you have any other questions.

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Thank you. ¿is there any other way that I can download an IMAGE MAP to open on GOOGLE EARTH?

@Roberto_Gonzalez_Ran Yes! KMLs come with many of DroneDeploy exports. Check out:

Please write to if you have additional questions.