Autel Robotics just released their Software Development Kit. Is Drone Deploy pursuing inclusion of Autel Robotics UAV’s in their accessible fleet?
Good to hear they are developing. Let’s see how many people are interested in this?
Please comment with a +1 if you have an Autel device
Count me on +1 want to use the Autel and havethe same options as Dji s
Not current Autel users but would definitely be if DD supported the platform as all of their roadmap items are of high interest to us (FLIR, 1 inch sensor etc)… Pricepoint and customer service are other driving factors.
Definitely need Autel Robotics support!
+1 for Autel X-Star Premium. I’d use the software!!
+1 Yes would certainly like to have this available for my X-Star! It’s very frustrating to try different apps and find out it’s not available! Thanks!
Thanks for sharing - about 4 people so far - do you all own X-stars?
How do you rate them as compared to your DJIs?
+1 for support for autel
I have both. The P4P has better camera for stills. But I need and like the easy to change camera mount on the X-Star. The P4P seems a little more polished though.
+1 for Autel support
I am an Autel dealer and DD would be a real asset to my sales. #1 for developing software for Autel.
+1 ! Drone Deploy support for the Autel will open up a lot of commercial opportunities. I’m in when it comes.
+1 would use it. Need good software. As far as drone goes like it better then the p4p except lagging in professional software. Once thAt happens autel will be the girl at the price point.
What is was r&d looking like now for autel or a release date?
+1 here too please. We have 3 X-Stars and would like to utilize DroneDeploy.
Autel Robotics Support!
I want this also! +1
Another +1 here. 3 x-stars waiting to utilize drone deploy
Another +1 here. Had my x-star a couple of weeks and using it mainly for Real Estate photos. Autel has an infrared/thermal imaging camera coming out this year. combined with DD this would be awesome for search/rescue operations.