3D Model not exporting

Default message: “Your export is being processed”. Waiting now fo 9 hours. First export (last week) did fine. Please advise.

Hi @geauxmedia, it usually on average takes about a minute an image. Please see here
regarding processing times that my colleague has shared with another user. We are actively working to improve processing times for all users but at this point, we have differentiated processing speed by pricing tier.

Jerther – To be clear, this is not for processing using the map engine. This is for exporting the OBJ file after the map has been rendered.



Assuming 1 minute per image and 467 images, that should take 7.8 hours. I’ve been waiting for approx 15 hours. Still no export. Once again, I’m NOT referring to the map engine – I’m referring to an export of the finished map files so I can place them on Sketchfab.

Thanks in advance,


Hey @geauxmedia - responding here since I saw your other thread. Please send the map (name or Flight ID) to support@dronedeploy.com so we can check it out. thanks!

Here’s the map in question. Thanks…
