Wood-pile Volumetrics

Does anyone have experience with calculating wood-pile volumetrics? Specifically pulpwood piles. Is there a standard coefficient for calculating the space between logs in a pile. For example, if the drone measures a pile of 10,000y³ does that mean there is 9000y³ of material (10% loss due to gaps between the logs)? Is there a compiled set of multipliers for things like rock-piles of various sizes, wood-piles of various sizes, etc?

Hi @FieldTech,

Thanks for swinging by the DroneDeploy Forum. The volume measurement does not take the spaces between the wood-piles into account, meaning the volume measurement would be the overall volume of the pile.

I suggest taking a look at Volume Measurement with Drones as well.

Hope this helps.


You would likely have to quantify or research that based on the characteristics of the logs you are using. Multiple large logs (e.g. Redwoods) will likely be different density than smaller logs (e.g. pine).

I found this calculation by a mathemetician named Wright who calculates for woodpiles not stacked by hand with diameters less than 10".

If geometric volume is greater than or equal to 1 m3 or 35.3 ft3:
(6a) Adjusted Pile Volume (m3) = e(0.2106 + 0.7691 × ln(Geometric Volume (m3)))

Interestingly enough, the Geometric Volume is usually the hard number to quantify because it is determined by the overall shape of the pile. DroneDeploy does that for us. “e” is a constant in physics, so the calculation should be easy to quantify with a calculator.

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Awesome! Was just about to Google “circle packing in woodpiles”.

Sorry about my english. But I had such experience.

You can use the “imagej” software to do that (measure the proportion of air between woods). To do that you should have to take some pictures of the cross-section of the piles of stockwood logs. After that you can open the image(s) in imageJ program and turn the picture(s) in to a black and white image. Actually the program will turn the cross-section of the woods in to black and the air berween the woods logs in to white (you can ajust that also). After, it just you calcute the proportion between pixels white vs pixels black (the program has that function). So you gonna have a proportion between woods and air. Therefore, per exemple, if you have 80% of woods (80% of black pixels), it’s just you multiple the volume measured before by 0,8 that you gonna have the real volume of woods (actually, will be really close to real volume).

I hope you understand.

Obs. to know how to use the imagej: there is a lot of tutorial in internet (especially in youtube)

If you need help, contact-me cbpetersen1991@gmail.com