Roof Inspections

Recently there has been a lot of discussion about using Drone Deploy to create maps in construction. I too have been approached by an engineering company telling me that since I am not a licensed NYS Surveyor, I cannot advertise mapping services.
Will this be the case if I advertise for aerial roof inspections? If I am a licensed remote pilot and have been trained to use aerial roof inspection software. Will I be told I am not a licensed roof inspector and my data is useless? How do I market my services without having to be a roof inspection company?

Hi @mommadrone,

I wanted to send you a note to let you know that we are looking into your question. I will follow up here shortly.

Thank you for your patience.

Hi, @mommadrone,

These rules can vary from state to state. We recommend checking with your state real estate inspection licensing services for these guidelines. Unfortunately, we are unable to give legal advice in Home Inspection Professional License Law. From your maps, it seems like you are in New York. I have provided a link to the Division of Licensing Services in New York which can give you more information on whether you can advertise for these services.

Please let us know if you have any questions. We will do our best to help where we can.
Thank you,