Issues Testing Drone Deploy App Store App on Mobile iOS/Android

Issues Testing Drone Deploy App Store App on Mobile iOS/Android

Hi, we are experiencing some issues testing our Drone Deploy app store submission on mobile. The instructions we received for testing mobile were to test on mobile Safari for iOS and mobile Chrome for Android, prior to native mobile app updates on 11/4 that will enable developer mode.

For both Android and iOS, uploading our app in development to a development-enabled Drone Deploy account via the web app does not result in the code automatically pushing to mobile web logins on that account. Trying to enable dev mode as per instructions ( ) results in the following:

Testing on an iPhone 7 Plus, iOS 10.1, we get the same “you can only create Drone Deploy apps for Google Chrome” error for both Mobile Safari and Mobile Chrome:

Testing on an HTC One M8, Android 5.0.1, we are able to see the “app zone” control for loading apps in development, but we cannot get any of the file/directory loading operations available in Android to load the source code:

Does anyone have a viable workflow for testing Drone Deploy App Store submissions on mobile?

Thank you for the report Dana. The App Store is still in a very young state so your feedback is very useful.

We will have a better solution to this in the future.

One potential solution in the short term is to mock out the dronedeploy calls and test your app as a standalone component in different browsers.