Blurry Pics from Mission

I just recently noticed my images from a mission are captured blurry and out of focus. I have everything in Go app and DD on Auto. I am noticing 1 image is being captured on the ground prior to takeoff. This image is in fact in focus. It is focused on the ground horizontally however and I’m wondering if DD app is keeping this the focal range. FWIW, I have no problems capturing clear focused pictures only using the Go app.
Nothing in my gear has changed since before this issue.
Shield K1, X5 camera.

Is it only one mission or multiples?
One anomaly may happen and be cleared out with a recycling of power.

Multiple missions now. I’ve flown 6 different missions at various altitudes.

I tried this method to no avail. Flew to mission altitude in Go app, focused, took picture. Closed app, started DD, began mission. Mission pictures are still blurry.
I did check my flight/maintenance log and saw that I have only had this issue since updating DJI’s latest firmware package…

Set mission to manual camera settings, same thing is happening. Post mission pictures taken on return to home by manually triggering camera with RC are clear as can be.

Sometimes the speed in which the drone is moving is too fast for the camera to properly focus before a picture is taken. I’ve run into similar issues, especially with strong tail winds.

I’m positive its not speed or wind related.

I’m currently trying to downgrade my RC firmware to see if this might help…
Waiting on response on how to downgrade X5 firmware as well.